Your credit score and how it affects your mortgage
When you read or hear about your “credit score,” you’re really reading or hearing about what’s officially called your FICO® score, a number from 350-850.
Generally, the higher your score, the lower the interest rate lenders will offer, because a high score equates to a lower risk in the eyes of lenders.
If you apply for a loan through Guarantee Mortgage, we’ll check your credit score for you as a part of the pre-application process.
For more information on credit scores, download these free, informative publications from
Understanding your FICO Score
A 20-page PDF booklet addressing most questions about your score, including how it helps (and hurts) you, the difference between your score and your credit report, and how to read your score.
Your Credit Scores
A 6-page PDF pamphlet using stories to illustrate how your FICO score can change over time.